Electromagnetic Shielding is the practice of mitigating electromagnetic threats by blocking with barriers of conductive or magnetic materials. Shielding is typically applied to enclosures to isolate electrical devices, undesired signals or damaging energy waves and also to manage emanations that may interfere with other systems. Shielding reduces the coupling of radio waves, electromagnetic fields and electrostatic fields, all of which produce potential threats to electronic systems. The amount of reduction depends on the material used, thickness, size of shielded volume and the frequency and strength of the electromagnetic threat. Faraday Cases has developed two products lines that mitigate a broad spectrum of electromagnetic threats.

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI)
These electromagnetic threats are disturbances generated by an external source that affects an electrical circuit. Common interference issues arise from communication signals that emanate from poorly shielded electronics, or from systems that are susceptible to disturbances for the same reason. The disturbance may degrade the performance of the circuit(s) or even stop it from functioning.

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
EMP is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse’s origination may be a natural occurrence such as a solar flare or the result of nuclear weapons. EMP is particularly damaging to power electronic systems and electrical infrastructure

Frequency ranges utilized for cellular signals, mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablets and computers to connect to cellular networks. Cellular networks can be leveraged for data theft or other malicious purposes.

Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Wireless technology is utilized for local area networking with devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Devices using WIFI include personal computers, game consoles, phones, tablets, cameras, TVs, digital audio players and printers. The Internet of Things (IoT) is exacerbating this vulnerability in networks as WIFI hacking is a popular means of gaining access to sensitive data.

Global Positioning System (GPS), Bluetooth, Near Field Communication (NFC)
Are high frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum used for communication between two or more devices such as GPS devices, consumer electronics, cell phones, and RFID. These communication methods are lower power, but are often manipulated with skimming devices.